About ALL FORD PARTS, Since 1974

At age 15, Bill Perry bought his first Model A Roadster pickup and was hooked on old Fords ever since. While at a swap meet one weekend Bill managed to buy out a vendor, keep the parts he needed for his pick-up and sell everything else the same day. Not bad for a young kid. He knew then this was what he wanted to do.
Bill worked for Pan American Airlines full time but continued on the side to sell old Ford parts. Eventually, Bill and his wife Betsy, bought out the inventory of a local Model A shop and started All Ford Parts on April fools day 1974 - specializing in Ford parts between 1929 and 1948.
Bill and Betsy moved into their own building in 1989 and over the years continued to acquire several more shops as their owners retired. A trend that continues today.
More and more of the few remaining parts shops have become parts counters with sales people who are not familiar with the old Fords. All Ford Parts continues in the same manner that has made them successful. That is to be reachable with knowledgeable key employees who have been with All Ford Parts from the beginning. Some for 40 years and some for 30 years.. They are well respected as experts on old Ford’s. Bill Perry continues chasing down original, used and NOS parts for old Ford's as well as stocking all the remanufactured parts for old Ford's, replenishing the more than 15,000 parts in inventory.
And yes, Bill still has his Roadster pickup he bought some 50 years ago as well as several 1932 Fords.
We are located in Campbell, California. Come visit us at: 1600 Dell Avenue, Suite A, Campbell, CA 95008.